Real World Wildlife Products authorized dealer.

Big Bucks Supply Co. added Real World Life Products to their selection of food plot blends in 2019.  Real World Wildlife Products is much different than other food plot seed companies. First and foremost, they are hunters and land managers themselves.

Real World Life Products was not a seed company that decided to start marketing food plot seed to hunters, instead they are hunters like us who became frustrated with the food plot products on the market - and the marketing tactics of the companies selling them.

Their “business plan” has always been very simple – develop the very best wildlife food plot blends possible and then market them at a fair price while using education, rather than deception, to help customers get the most from their products. Real World refuses to use marketing ploys such as cheap filler seeds and excess seed coating to increase profit margins.  (via Real World Life Products)


Many experienced land managers consider soybeans to be the best crop to grow in their plots. Soybeans can provide a high quality food source to the deer on your property for the majority of the year. Deer will start browsing on soybeans as soon as they germinate and continue feeding on them through the entire growing season. Once the soybean plants have matured, deer will feed off the soybean grain inside the pods.

All soybeans are not the same however. Forage soybeans have been hyped as something special for deer plots but testing has proven that forage soybeans do not have the same level of protein and other key nutrients as Real World soybeans. This has been shown in multiple side-by-side tests where tissue samples were analyzed at independent labs. Furthermore forage soybeans do not have the grain production of Real World soybeans, in fact forage soybeans have a longer growing season and in some areas they will not even mature and produce any grain at all.

If you are planting forage soybeans in your food plots we challenge you to buy 1 bag of Real World soybeans and plant them side-by-side. There is no better way to see first-hand which soybean is best on your property. Don’t you really want to be planting the best? Dare to Compare!

​Real Worlds new “Generation-2” soybeans is a blend of 4 different soybean varieties with maturities ranging from 4.0 to 5.4 and are better for wildlife food plots than other soybeans for these reasons

-They produce a tremendous amount of forage and grain to feed your deer throughout the entire hunting season. Forage soybeans often die and provide nothing after the first frost.

– They are shatter resistant, meaning the soybean grain will stay within the pods where deer can readily consume it.

– They are higher in oil content than most other soybean varieties. High-oil soybeans are more attractive to hungry whitetails and provide higher levels of important nutrients.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
50lb Bag = 1 Acre : $85


Real Worlds Northern Soybean Blend includes three different soybean varieties with maturities ranging from 2.0 to 3.4 and are better for wildlife food plots than other soybeans for these reasons.

-They produce a tremendous amount of forage and grain to feed your deer throughout the entire hunting season. Forage soybeans often die and provide nothing after the first frost.

– They are shatter resistant, meaning the soybean grain will stay within the pods where deer can readily consume it.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
50lb Bag = 1 Acre : $88


Real World’s Clover and Chicory blend contains only the very best varieties as proven in our own Real World test plots. We started by planting every clover variety we could find in side-by-side plots and let the deer tell us which ones they preferred. Chicory makes a great companion crop with clover and makes up only 3% of the total blend. This blend is perfect for planting around field edges or other open areas where you might need access to drive equipment or in fire-breaks around native grass fields.

Real Worlds Clover & Chicory blend now contains 20% of a select variety of perennial red clover. We actually found this red clover by accident a few years ago when we noticed the deer flocking to it in a neighbors hay field; preferring it over other nearby quality food sources. This caused us to give this particular variety of red clover a closer look and test it on other properties. After seeing similar results on multiple properties over several seasons we decided to add it to our Clover & Chicory blend. We already felt that Real Worlds Clover & Chicory blend could hold its own against anything on the market but now we have made it even better.

As with all Real World products, there are no cheap filler seeds or excess seed coating in this blend. Also note that our clover and chicory blend contains 10# of seed in a 1-acre bag whereas most other brands only give you 8# of seed for an acre. With more seed of the varieties proven to be preferred by whitetails in our tests, we challenge you to plant this blend next to any other clover blend on the market.

​Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
5lb Jug = 1/2 Acre : $48
10lb Bag = 1 Acre : $78


For those land managers looking to attract more than just deer to their plots, Real World offers our “Upland Game Blend”. This mix contains sunflowers, soybeans, sorghum and millet. It is a great product for attracting pheasants, quail, turkeys, rabbits, song birds and a wide variety of wildlife. It is also a great product for deer and can be used to create edges in other plots or diversify your plantings to provide a wider variety of food sources for the game on your property.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
25lb Bag = 1 Acre : $48


Real World Wildlife Products has combined our two most popular fall-planted products into one and the results are … DEADLY! For several years our customers have planted both Harvest Salad and Plot Topper in the same plot with excellent results. Deer flock to these plots from the time the first plants sprout through the entire hunting season and well into the following spring. We took the hint and have combined these two popular products into a convenient ¼ acre bag, the perfect size for those small kill-plots.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
12.5lb Bag = 1/4 Acre : $34


Real Worlds “Whitetail Harvest Salad” has been our top selling fall-planted seed blend since it was first introduced several years ago. This blend of winter hardy oats, winter wheat, rye grain and Austrian winter peas is easy to grow and will have the deer visiting your plots for the entire hunting season and into the following spring. Don’t be misled by other brands that mix annuals and perennials in their fall-planted seed blends or market no-till products in small bags. Harvest Salad comes in a 50# bag which is enough to plant 1 acre.
Real Worlds “Harvest Salad” blend will now contain 20% rye grain to add to this popular blends attractiveness. This change actually causes us to have more money invested in each bag but we are absorbing this cost and not passing it on to our customers. This is just a reflection of our commitment to have the very best seed blends possible.

The “Deadly Dozen”  
The guys at Real World Wildlife Products plant a lot of food plots on numerous properties every year and our favorite fall-planted plot is Harvest Salad combined with Plot Topper in the same plot. When these two products are combined it gives you 12 plant species in the same plot. We call it the “Deadly Dozen”. With this combination there will always be multiple plants within the plot that are highly palatable to the deer from the time it first germinates until the following spring. Some of the plants will really draw the deer in early, other plants will attract during the rut and late fall and still others will become more attractive during the late season after they have had a hard freeze. Use the combination of Harvest Salad and Plot Topper to draw the deer to your property and keep them coming back to your plot all season long.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
25lb Bag = 1/2 Acre: $38
50lb Bag = 1 Acre : $66


We came up with this unique blend which includes crimson clover, oil-seed radish, tillage radish, rape, purple head turnips, sugar beets, forage collards and Impact forage collards after years of side by side testing. The result is a product that has seen sales jump substantially year after year, telling us that our customers are very happy with the results. Fall Plot Topper can be planted alone or planted in the same plot with our Whitetail Oats and Harvest Salad. In the right situation Plot Topper can also be broadcast on top of standing soybeans once they start to turn yellow adding more drawing power to soybean plots.

In the past our Plot Topper blend has contained 6 different seed varieties but for 2017 we are increasing this to 8 different varieties to help this very popular blend attract even more deer to your plots!

The “Deadly Dozen”
The guys at Real World Wildlife Products plant a lot of food plots on numerous properties every year and our favorite fall-planted plot is Harvest Salad combined with Plot Topper in the same plot. When these two products are combined it gives you 12 plant species in the same plot. We call it the “Deadly Dozen”. With this combination there will always be multiple plants within the plot that are highly palatable to the deer from the time they first germinate until the following spring. Some of the plants will really draw the deer in during the early season, other plants will attract during the rut and late fall and still others will become more attractive during the late season after they have had a hard freeze. Use the combination of Harvest Salad and Plot Topper to draw the deer to your property and keep them coming back to your plot all season long.
One jug plants ½ acre when planted alone or 1 acre when planted over another product.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
3lb Jug = 1/2 Acre : $33
​24lb Bag = 4 Acre: $230


Some food plot seed companies claim that their oats are the best on the market and have been developed after years of continual research. Real World prefers to educate you with simple truths. We have planted our Whitetail Forage Oats right next to the other oats on the market and could not tell a bit of difference at any point of the test and neither could the deer feeding in those side-by-side plots. We are pretty confident that most of the oats being sold to whitetail food-plotters are all the same. The difference is in price. When comparing oats be sure to note the quantity in each bag. Keep in mind that these winter hardy oats are not the same as typical “spring oats” commonly sold in local feed and seed stores.
Real Worlds Whitetail Forage Oats come in 50# bags, enough to plant 1 acre when top-dressed with another product such as Plot Topper. If planting a pure stand of Whitetail Forage Oats, use 1 1/2 bags per acre.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
50lb Bag = 1 Acre : $40 


Real World Wildlife Products co-founder Don Higgins has worked for many years as a conservation contractor where he has planted thousands of acres of warm-season native grasses. Through this experience he noticed that some species of these grasses stood up to the elements such as wind and snow better than others. Furthermore Don noticed that different varieties of the same species would also stand up better to the weather than others. This prompted Don and his business partner Kevin Boyer to begin planting side-by-side test plots of these grasses using every variety that they could get their hands on. The result is Real Worlds “Bedding in a Bag”, a superior blend of tall warm-season grasses that makes excellent bedding cover for deer as well as nesting cover for pheasants, quail, rabbits and other wildlife.

Over the past several years Real World customers have planted thousands of acres of this special blend containing Indian Grass, Big Bluestem and Switchgrass. We even had one customer plant 450 acres of it on his Iowa farm.

The key to this blends success is not the species of grasses that are included but instead the specific variety of each grass species. In our development of this blend we planted every variety of these species that we could find and observed them over several years for standability under adverse weather conditions. The result is a blend of native grasses that typically grow 6’-8’ tall and stands up very well to the elements. If you want to create bedding cover in a hurry on your property, Real Worlds “Bedding-In-A-Bag” is the ticket!

Note – When planting warm-season native grasses for bedding cover always remember that bigger is better when it comes to plot size. Deer are much more likely to bed in bigger plots of these grasses than smaller ones. On our own properties we never plant plots of these grasses smaller than 5 acres.ags per acre.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
$450 / 3 ACRE


Real World variety switch grass is the same switch grass that we use in our Bedding-In-A-Bag. In our side by side tests this switch grass stood better than any other variety we tested including the popular Cave-In-Rock variety. Our Real World Switch Grass will get 7’-8’ tall. Don’t take our word for it, Dare to Compare!

These 2 photos to the right show the difference between Real World switchgrass and the popular Cave-in-Rock variety of switchgrass. There is no “trick photography” here; these photos were taken the same day just a few feet apart in side-by-side test-plots. Note that these photos were taken in early spring after the grasses had been through the entire winter. Clearly the Real World switchgrass has better standability and offers better bedding cover for wildlife.

Planting straight switch grass instead of “Bedding in a Bag” is the best option on wetter sites such as creek or river bottoms where other grasses do not do as well. Many of our customers also use Real World switch grass to create screening cover along food plots or access routes to their stands.
Note – When planting warm-season native grasses for bedding cover always remember that bigger is better when it comes to plot size. Deer are much more likely to bed in bigger plots of these grasses than smaller ones. On our own properties we never plant plots of these grasses smaller than 5 acres.

Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
10lb Bag : $250
50lb Bag : $1250 


For years our customers have been asking us if Real World was ever going to come out with a plot screen product. We tested a lot of different annual plant species but they all fell short (pun intended) of earning the Real World label. While some looked great while growing and early in the fall, they would all fall over once the plants died. We refused to sell a product that we knew would ultimately not do what was expected of it.

Real World Wildlife Products president Don Higgins first planted miscanthus grass on his farm several years ago and was so impressed with what he saw and the potential that this plant offers the wildlife land manager that he put in considerable time and effort learning more about this extremely tall grass. When he discovered that there are different varieties of miscanthus he arranged for the Real World team to visit different university, corporate and private test plots around the country. After looking at numerous miscanthus cultivars the Real World team focused on one specific variety that they felt would be the very best for screening and other habitat applications. They then negotiated with the patent holder of this specific variety and ultimately signed a contract to market it. MAKE NO MISTAKE, REAL WORLD GIANT MISCANTHUS IS DIFFERENT THAN OTHER MISCANTHUS! It gets as tall as any other miscanthus but has more leaf for better screening. Dare to Compare!

What is miscanthus?
Miscanthus is a woody perennial grass native to Asia that typically grows to heights of 12’ plus. It produces bamboo-like stalks which average 3/8” in diameter. It is a non-invasive grass that does NOT produce viable seeds. Because of the huge yields it produces per acre, miscanthus is used primarily for bio-fuel production. Miscanthus is a cold hardy grass that grows rapidly, has low nutrient requirements and has few pests or diseases.

How is miscanthus propagated (grown)?

Miscanthus is established by planting pieces of root called “rhizomes’. Since it is sterile and it must be propagated by rhizome division rather than by seed. The rhizomes are planted about 4″ deep and spaced 18” apart and in rows that are spaced 18”-24” apart. Each plant will spread 4”-6” per year and fill in the rows to create a dense hedge. For a good screen plant 3-5 rows.

Can I grow Real World Giant Miscanthus in my area?
The specific cultivar of miscanthus known as Real World Giant Miscanthus has been grown successfully from the Gulf of Mexico into southern Canada. It is tolerant of both the tropical heat in southern states as well as the colder northern regions of the United States. 

How do I go about establishing Real World Giant Miscanthus on my property?
Miscanthus rhizomes should be planted in the spring once the soil can be worked.  A well-tilled bed does help the roots establish quicker, but is not necessary. The rhizomes should be planted 4” deep and spaced 18” apart in rows that are spaced 18”-24” apart. Remember, every year these plants will expand approximately 4″ in each direction. Good results can be achieved on a wide range of soils but the key is moisture. Adequate moisture and 60° ground temperature will promote good growth.  Miscanthus can tolerate a wide range of soil pH but performance is best between 5.5 and 7.5 pH. Sandy soils only yield well if rainfall is adequate due to its dry nature. Weed control is important during establishment. Do not worry as much about grass competition, but more so with broadleaf weeds during the first year of establishment. Most common corn herbicides will be fine to use on miscanthus – Dual, Atrazine, 2,4-D etc. It is a good idea to spray a herbicide like atrazine right after planting your rhizomes in a weed-free seed bed. 

How should I store my miscanthus rhizomes?
We strongly encourage you to have your planting site ready and plant your rhizomes as soon as possible after receiving them. Rhizomes can be stored for 2-4 weeks in a refrigerated storage unit. The colder temperatures keeps the rhizomes dormant and slows the growth. Do not put rhizomes in the freezer.
What kind of growth should I expect from my Real World Giant Miscanthus?
The first year each individual rhizome should produce 1-3 stalks that will be anywhere from 1’-8’ tall depending on location, soil and weather conditions. The second year you should see 5-7 stalks from each plant that will be anywhere from 4’-12’ tall. By year three each cluster’s should be approximately 14″ diameter with about 20-25 stalks and 10’-12’ tall. After this the individual clusters will start growing into each other and filling in any gaps. These figures are an “average” and you may see better or worse results based on your location, weather and soil type. By year three you should have great screening cover although it can be very adequate before that.

How do I maintain my miscanthus and should I fertilize?
Fertilizer demands are low but a modest fertilizer application about a month after planting will promote growth in both rhizomes and stalks. For fertilizer simply use a generic triple-12 or triple-15 fertilizer.  After the first year, only small quantities of nutrients will be needed every two to four years to help maintain good yields. Apply follow-up applications of fertilizer in late winter or early spring. If possible, burn your miscanthus every 2-3 years in the early spring. This will get rid of the old thatch and help control and weeds or tree saplings that may be starting. It will also stimulate the growth of your miscanthus and keep your stand going strong. Mowing is another option but not nearly as good as burning.

How can I create the best screen possible on my hunting property?
For years Real World customers have been using Real World switchgrass to create screening cover. Now with Real World Giant Miscanthus you can combine the two tall grasses to create the ultimate screen. Start the fall before you intend to plant by creating a 12’-15’ wide seed bed where you want your screen. In late winter, frost seed Real World switchgrass into your seed-bed at a rate of no more than 4# per acre. As early as possible in the spring, plant 3 rows of Real World Giant Miscanthus in this same seed-bed. Plant the first row of miscanthus right down the middle of the seed bed and then a row 2’-3’ on each side of the middle row. Control weeds the first year by using an application of atrazine at a rate of 1-quart per acre as early as possible in the spring. If broadleaf weeds become an issue later in the summer, spray with 2-4D. Once established you will have the very best screen possible outside of a solid wall.

​Contact Chris Hiatt to purchase: 816.914.5972 
Bags of 100 rhizomes = $80 each
Bulk bags of 5000 rhizomes – $3000 plus shipping  
Bulk bags of 10,000 rhizomes – $5300 plus shipping